«aliΑmvra» products
Study and design of a collective identity for the fishery and aquaculture products from the Ambracian Gulf-Arta Region.
Improving the organization of the market for the promotion of products in new markets and their availability in new distribution channels.
Strengthening the presence of the products in existing and new markets.
Highlighting their competitive advantages.
Increasing, within a reasonable period of time, their market share at the national and international levels.
Digital promotion of products in electronic media, utilizing various digital tools (digital exhibition, digital marketing, etc.).
Achieving better purchase prices for the products, thanks to their proven identity of origin.
Increasing product demand.
Local entrepreneurship
Supporting the local economy through the promotion of high-quality fish and processed products originating from the Ambracian Gulf area and the wider area of the Arta region.
Increasing the turnover of local businesses in specific sectors.
Making an effective contribution to the continuous adaptation of Local Entrepreneurship to the evolving modern economic conditions.
Contributing to the recognition and preservation of the leading role of specific businesses in the region within the national and European economies.
Exploring cooperation opportunities through participation in trade fairs, establishing a strong collective identity, and implementing dissemination, communication, and networking initiatives.
Creating new jobs and further strengthening the local economy.
Creating new jobs and further strengthening the local economy.
Improving the standard of living and enhancing social cohesion by making products available in new distribution markets, consequently leading to increased turnover for local businesses in specific sectors.
Broader results
Boosting exports to European and third countries at a time when Greece is seeking recovery, both from the long-term crisis and from the dramatic effects created by the spread of the COVID-19 disease.
Contributing to the promotion of the value of European fisheries and aquaculture production.
Reducing the European Union's dependence on imports.
Consolidating its position in the markets, promoting the EU's very high-quality standards for health and the environment.
Contributing to the overall digital transformation of the Fishing and Aquaculture Industry by paving the way for "intelligent" fishery and entrepreneurship.
Promoting to the European consumer public the high quality, wide variety, and high added value of EU fisheries and aquaculture products.
Strengthening the national economy.
Promoting the area, boosting tourism, and attracting additional visitors.